VinUni Nursing Program to cooperate with School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania in the Integrated Bachelor’s – Master’s Program

January 27, 2022

Thanks to the great support from the Provost, VinUniversity has signed a Letter of Intent on the implementation of the integrated Bachelor’s – Master’s 3+2 and/or 4+1 Program designed specifically for Bachelor of Nursing students with the School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania. With this integrated nursing program, nursing students will save 0.5 to 1 academic year compared to the usual 4-year bachelor’s and 1.5 – 2-year master’s programs. After 5 years, students will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree from VinUniversity and a Master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania. The two universities’ leaders will continue discussion in the upcoming academic year in order to release an official announcement regarding the implementation of the program.

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