You might have noticed that for every good, commodity or service that you have paid for recently, you were mostly driven by the experience received, or going to receive, besides the product itself. Admit that! We are living in a new mode of economic value, where customers are opting for experience, and hospitality level is the key factor that distincts one business from the others.
But why Pineapple? It is not just a healthy tropical fruit, or the muse of PPAP song. It is the worldwide symbol of hospitality back to the days when this exotic plant is still an uncommon sugary item in Europe. At that time, if sailors come home from a long voyage, a pineapple would be brought together to indicate their safe arrival, and their neighbors are also invited for a meal to exchange stories, with pineapple as a treat. That’s how hospitality is associated with care.
“Passing the pineapple” contest comes to the play with the ambition of nurturing and elevating the hospitality spirit among the potential young generation, with more details as below:
Share the most memorable moment of a service that you once experienced together with a related photo. That could be a sincere help from a random person you encountered on the street or a cheerful yet caring host at the homestay during your vacation – generally all sorts of hospitality service.
– Length of the story: not more than 200 words
– Required language: English
- Starting date: 25th February 2022
- Closing date: 20h00, 11th March 2022
- Winner Announcement date: 18th March 2022
– Eligibility: students who are from 16 years of age.
– Contest Prizes include:
ONE (1) Judges Prize (winner decided by our judges**)
- Submission: via our submission link
- Criteria: participants are evaluated based on different aspects (Aspiration, Originality, Plot structure and Relevancy) of the story.
- Prize: A One-Year Premium Typsy Account (a hospitality training platform) PLUS Admission Fee Exemption
ONE (1) Social Media Prize
- Submission: participants share their stories on Facebook with hashtags #passingthepineapple and #Hospitality@VinUni
- Criteria: After the deadline, all the amounts of shares/ comments/ likes are recorded. Each share gets 3 points, then each comment and like are rewarded with 2 points and 1 point, respectively.
- Prize: a VND 5 million voucher to stay at one of the Vinpearl properties.
(*) Note: Submitting in both ways is also accepted.
Click here to see the detail terms and conditions of the contest.
For further information, please email us via: