By posing potential research questions to scientists that may lead to future scientific projects and inventions, you will help contribute 10,000 books to the Science Library for Vietnamese children.
As part of this year’s VinFuture Prize event series, the VinFuture Foundation is empowering VinUniversity to launch the “YOU ASK 1000 – 10,000 WE GIVE” competition for all young people, students, scientists, and global citizens with an interest in science.
In today’s post-Covid-19 world, big leaps in science and technology have formed the cornerstones of a future where humanity shapes the world. However, all scientific research begins with a key QUESTION that defines the problem to be solved.
From there, these questions form the basis for scientists to come up with their ideas, conduct research, and find the answers for the questions of life.
With every valid question to the Organizing Committee, you’ll have the chance to:
– Receive an e-card with signatures and messages from Top global scientists and Sci-tech leaders from VinFuture’s Prize Council.
– Donate 10 books to the VinFuture Science Library and help children in remote areas access scientific knowledge
– Earn the chance to become one of the 20 presenters at the Final Round, win valuable gifts (First Prize with a value up to 45 million VND), and receive invitations to attend the VinFuture Prize Ceremony on January 20th.
Join the competition by January 7th, 2022 at to submit your question to the scientists today!
Find out more about the competition on the VinFuture Prize official website
#1000questionsforfuture #10000booksforchildren #Youask1000 #10000Wegive #VinFuturePrize #Future #VinUniversity