On-campus Employment

On-Campus Employment is work that is paid for directly by VinUniversity or one of its approved affiliates. We encourage our students to work on campus to earn extra income, build some professional skills, learn to work in a team, and integrate study with work. During the school year, students can work up to 30 hours/week in total. During summer and other seasonal breaks, there are no limitations in terms of the number of hours you can work.

If you plan to work for VinUniversity, you can review the student employment policies. If you have any questions about your hour limitations or employment restrictions, please contact the Career Service Office.

On-campus jobs can be found through your college, by networking with professors and friends, and through the student Career Hub website.  Review carefully the criteria and your eligibility before you apply.

To learn more about career development and employment opportunities, visit the Career Services Office.

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